When a new client comes my way, I listen to them talk about the room that is being considered for custom work. The beauty of my job is to create a design that addresses their needs and concerns. I enjoy getting to know them, their likes and their dislikes. It all plays into the design. Two arched windows--one on each side of the bed. Twelve feet wide and facing west. Two more windows-each 6 feet wide. This beautiful home is filled with beautiful windows. The master bedroom is large, grand and well proportioned. The windows are in abundance. The homeowners want to have the luxury of "sleeping in" on Saturday morning, if possible. So my work begins. Total coverage is the bottom line. Now that is a lot of fabric and a lot of draperies. They selected fabrics for a complete bedding ensemble. From there we selected fabrics for the draperies and for a touch of interest--I created a valance with lots of detail. ...

Creates Custom Window Coverings ~ Cornices and Draperies ~ Atrium Window and Bay Window Treatments ~ Roman Shades ~ Bedding for Master Bedroom,Child's Room, Nursery ~ Window products for your home will be specifically designed with your needs in mind. Each window is unique. Every treatment is tailored just for you.