This client brought me into her kitchen and said, "I just love this oil painting and want to make the window treatments simple but expressive of the colors in the artwork." I-- acting as if I do this type of thing every day --you know-- work with art, said, "Let's begin with finding fabrics that are full of those colors and that are going to reflect the fun found in this painting. So--the hunt began. I searched the fabric collection in my sewing room and found a line of fabrics that really did have all the colors found in this oil painting. The picture below is how we managed to use the color and the triangle shapes were copied from the window in the back door. She had her walls painted and stenciled and I installed the small treatment above the sink, on the back door and window next to the door. It was a nice splash of color and reflected the intense color found in the painting. The painting had a whole story unto itself. I just list...

Creates Custom Window Coverings ~ Cornices and Draperies ~ Atrium Window and Bay Window Treatments ~ Roman Shades ~ Bedding for Master Bedroom,Child's Room, Nursery ~ Window products for your home will be specifically designed with your needs in mind. Each window is unique. Every treatment is tailored just for you.