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Headbands to Headboards

It has been a few months since I have written something on my blog.  Please forgive me.  My intention is to write and post something new and exciting each month.  I have had this title in my head since the first of the year. Collecting the photos and finding time to write this have been my shortcomings.  I tend to be long on creativity and short on technological ability.  I guess practice may bring perfection.
This is Sarah D's adorable bedroom.  She is the daughter to one of my long time favorite sewing clients.  We started the makeover with a tall white headboard for Sarah's very pink room.  Ralph Lauren PINK. 
 The sheer fabric panels are white dotted Swiss, an old fashioned favorite of mine used in a strong contemporary way. It seemed just the fabric to add a light and airy feel to the room.

The corner computer desk, a great find at a garage sale, was enhanced with gathered white skirting that fell off the front edge covering up the computer cords and things underneath.  See the before and after photos.  This also created a great place for the game of hide and go seek.

The chair is covered in soft minky dot fabric.  It is completed washable.  Hoping it makes study time easier.

The boxes at the top of the windows were covered in thick white chenille and accented with grosgrain ribbon bows.  Additional ribbons dangle from underneath the box adding a whimsical look to the treatment.

The embroidery "S" is my newest ability in the sewing room.  I recently purchased a great embroidery machine and can now customize just about anything that needs a letter, name, or monogram.  This "S" is about 8 inches tall stitched on fine white cotton fabric.

I added a full length ruffle out of the dotted Swiss to the edge of the ready made bedspread.  It added another layer of dreaminess.The shiny pink headboard pillow is large enough to lean against with a good book.  This is the start to sweet dreams.
She also has a matching shower curtain.  This fabric was the exact colors from the pillow on the bed--so we had to use it somewhere. The tissue box on the desk is covered in the same swirly ribboned fabric.  Great fun for Sarah.  Hope she enjoys it.

Some  other creations we have monogrammed are headbands, baby blankets, personalized baby pillows for the bassinet, towels for myself (oops) and for wedding gifts. 

It has been fun sharing these photos with you. I hope you can think of something that needs a name or an initial on it.  The motto around here is don't stand still for too long or Mom will put an initial on you.  I guess that just shows--- I love what I do.
Thanks for your time out to read this blog and for those of you that are clients of mine--thanks so much.

Without you, I would be lost or maybe even finding time to get real techno savvy.  And--I sure don't want that to happen.  Yikes.

I am waiting for Little Max Anthony to be born and hoping his great-grandma has me on her call list. 

With an abundance of these 100% organic cotton blankets, I decided to embroider names on them for eight precious baby girls at an orphanage in India.  Some friends of ours are there taking care of those babies.  I hope and pray they are blessed.


  1. I love this! And the title too! :-) The work is great - but I also love the photography - did you take the photos? The colors on the wall and in the bedding go perfectly- and I can tell you are loving the monogramming machine! :-) Thanks for sharing...

    your biggest fan


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